Hey Friends and family! I believe I have finally figured out the technical aspect of getting my website blog content to sync up with the mail chimp delivery system. It has been challenging for me to problem solve this as there doesn't seem to be any personal support via phone or computer. I have to read, read and reread much of this before it sinks in and following the instructions can be like going down a challenging rabbit hole. If you have ever picked up a true medical journal and tried to read an article about disease for example it would be nearly impossible as the medical language used would be beyond most lay people. This is my analogy for my learning some of the computer language used when building the website, mail delivery service and all the various computer based platforms I'm using to build and share the trip.
So, I realize that many of you may have already read this blog, but it being sent out is simply a result of my finally figuring out how to get the content connected properly to the retrieval system and the blog subscriptions being fulfilled. So, hopefully this is the beginning of the blogs starting to flow properly! I love you all and thanks for taking the journey with me!
I have ridden 1400 miles this week thru absolutely stunning scenery. I will try and update this blog with more information about roads and the adventure from the first week. I've had to push pretty hard this week because I have a destination in Colorado at a specific time. Also, it is difficult to do technical things when you're clear out in the middle of nowhere camping and there's no service to do computer style work and continue my education with all this! So bare with me friends and loved ones. I promise I'll get this all dialed in! The truth is I'm standing out in the middle of Colorado right now in my underwear leaning on my bike in the dark at 11:00 p.m after a huge day of riding trying to problem solve this because the blogging (or I should say lack of) has been on my mind all week. I'm up high enough here that I have good signal coming from Grand Junction to do some work. Another thing to remember is I am an adventurous little bugger and I like to go travel and camp in the middle of nowhere and there's still a lot of places that don't have service at all let alone 3G/4G and LTE networks have been rare.
So that's enough for now, it's 9:30 and it's time to set up my tent and try to get some rest for the final push to crested Butte where I will stay for six days. I'll include a few pics and so thanks again for your patience with the blogs.
Eastern Oregon! What a Place and not many people home :-)
Stanley Lake Idaho
This was the road to slate creek hotsprings just outside of Stanley
Camp and garage for tire blowout that I had. Hopefully not too many of these on the adventure!
Just into Wyoming and looking down into the valley where Jackson is.
So many dirt roads!! So little time!
Welcome to Colorado! Beautiful golden grasses and evening of thunderstorm clouds.
8,000 ft in Colorado. Huge view down towards Grand Junction.
I am happy and very dirty and pretty scruffy! It's been hot, real hot! Like riding thru a heater and then when I stop its nuclear with all my gear on!
This is where I am the very moment I update this blog. Only now it's dark and I'm sneaking glimpses of a thunderstorm off in the distance as I write this! Good times!