Hey Friends and family! I believe I have finally figured out the technical aspect of getting my website blog content to sync up with the mail chimp delivery system. It has been challenging for me to problem solve this as there doesn't seem to be any personal support via phone or computer. I have to read, read and reread much of this before it sinks in and following the instructions can be like going down a challenging rabbit hole. If you have ever picked up a true medical journal and tried to read an article about disease for example it would be nearly impossible to understand as the medical language used would be beyond most lay people. This is my analogy for my learning some of the computer language used when building the website, mail delivery service and all the various computer based platforms I'm using to build and share the trip.
So, I realize that many of you may have already read this blog, but it being sent out is simply a result of my finally figuring out how to get the content connected properly to the retrieval system and the blog subscriptions being fulfilled. So, hopefully this is the beginning of the blogs starting to flow properly! I love you all and thanks for taking the journey with me!
I've had so many amazing moments already! For me adventure and spirituality are synonymous and since this is the recovery blog I'm going to state this first thing!! I believe with all of me that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Not humans trying(or not trying) to have a spiritual experience. However the human being component can override the spiritual nature of our lives and this results in varying degrees of separation and the symptoms of this seperation are extensive. I'll talk more about my experience with this in a later blog.
So the truth is I've already had some real challenges with keeping in fit spiritual condition. Staying focused on and off the road, getting enough rest, my sense of commitment to sharing the journey, setting up and breaking down camp(which amounts to about 3-4 hours a day), navigation, having a flat, super hot days for riding, eating enough, taking time for bike maintenance, etc, etc. Now I realize we all have this kind of stuff everyday but I'm going to suggest that living off a motorcycle and camping is a unique and tough way to live and travel. I've only been doing it a week and right now it is proving good and challenging! For instance right this very moment I had to stake and tie down my bike in the dark because it's gusting to 30 out here and I don't want it to blow over. And now it's starting to pour and I just crawled in my tent and I hope I don't blow away or get struck by lightning! All this while trying to spiritual blog it up!! This is a fine example of the kind of challenge I'm referring to.
So a good friend of mine Gary gave me these powerful words one evening while we were sharing about our lives. He said "I've learned to keep my hopes high and my expectations low". I'll add that for me these are not just words of wisdom for the mind but truly a way to live and be!
At one point in my life I had lost all hope. I was seperated from it. I now believe and feel that hope is a fundamental force that is never lost or gone. It is tied into creation and love and is always available when we do the work and put in the effort to be connected to it. The spiritual life is not a theory, it's hard work, discipline and caring for oneself as though your life really is a gift!! So know matter where your at in life or what challenge your facing let's jump in "Hope Creek" together and see what happens!
Inspired by Hope,
I went back for this shot as it will serve as a powerful theme for the rest of my journey and my life!
Your welcome to ride in the sky with me!
Remember Tolkien said "Not all who wander are lost".
Remember life is a gift, albeit a challenging one. It helps me to stop everything for just a few moments, to take a few deep breaths, notice I'm alive, and be grateful for the moment and what I have.